Plan Your marketing plan is going to require you to join several leads groups and develop personal introductions to management and those who hold financial positions within a company. Your best bet will be to get outside vendors to introduce you. Then, once you have obtained clients, have them refer you to others whom they know. Referrals close twice as fast as any other resource.
Power Partners
Your Power Partners will be Accounting related, Bankers, Benefits Consultants, Business Insurance Services, Business Attorneys, Compensation Consultants, Human Resource and Management Consultants, Turn-Around Specialists, Billing and Collections Services.
The conversations you have with these Power Partners should indicate your willingness to include them in your referrals as you become aware of companies that need their services.
It is important that you meet with these Power Partners in person the first time, and then keep in touch with them weekly through email or phone conversations to keep your services fresh in their minds. You should try to meet in person quarterly.
You will need to have a computer in order to create a database, a tracking system and invoices. You will need to keep detailed notes about how you save expenses for each client. You will also need to have reliable transportation.
Personality Type: Analytical, Driver
Total Start Up Costs: Less than $500 (includes business cards, website and cellular phone)