Finding Passion in Your Work

I was at an event on Saturday and I met a minister who works in the Mission in San Francisco. He’s created three homes for men who have been incarcerated and are no out on the streets.

Years ago I heard a CD from Bill Campbell who was with the Boston Red Sox. He started a ministry and goes to prisons all over the country. He said that he found that 90% of all men in prison “hate” their fathers.

What is even more surprising is only 2% of male prisoners are Jewish men. He believes the reason is Jewish fathers give their sons a hug and a kiss and tell them he loves them every single time they see each other.

Is it really that simple? Maybe it is. I offered the minister unlimited copies of BYOB for his men. I originally wrote the book for those who were incarcerated and have to try and compete with those who have never been in jail for the same jobs. What are the chances they’ll ever get a job? Next to none!

But they can certainly start their own business and not be subjected to the humiliation of interviewing, while knowing they’ll never get the job.

If you know of any ministries in prisons, let me know, I’ll be happy to let them have copies of my book as well.


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